St Stephen’s House welcomes sabbatical visitors.
Whatever the aim of your sabbatical, the college benefits enormously from the contributions that sabbatical guests make to the life of our community, and we encourage applications from interested individuals.
Whilst some take advantage of the wealth of facilities and academic resources that being part of the Oxford community offers, others simply come because they want space to read, think, relax or pray.
Accommodation for sabbaticals is arranged on a flexible basis, subject to the availability of rooms and we typically tailor sabbatical packages to the individual requirements of visiting scholars, clergy and others.
For academic enquiries, please contact:
Fr Andreas Wenzel
T: +44 (0)1865 599652
Please include an outline your area of intended research or the purpose of your sabbatical and the names of two referees.
For accommodation enquiries, please contact:
Miss Hayley Edwards
T: +44 (0)1865 599660
Spaces are limited, so we recommend planning ahead!